Cursos Campearte

Bienvenidos a la Reserva de cursos de Campearte, cabañas en los árboles.

1 Para poder formar parte de cualquiera de nuestros cursos es requisito ineludible hacerse socio de nuestra Asociación en la pestaña HAZTE SOCIO y seguid las instrucciones. Una vez que seáis socios podréis solicitar la reserva del curso.

2 Si sólo deseais conocer los detalles, horarios y precios, podéis descargar el pdf en el correspondiente botón del curso.

None Hazte Socio

Yoga Experience Retreat

Profesor Amrita & Seba

Inicio: 2024-05-01
Fin: 2024-05-05
Participating in our Yoga Experience Retreat provides a unique opportunity for both personal and spiritual growth. It is an immersion into a yogic lifestyle that gives the foundation for self- transformation through traditional yoga practices- old school yoga from the sages. You will deepen your personal practice and understanding of Yoga, cultivate awareness to witness your way of interacting with the world, and have the tools to transform the way you approach it. You will return home with practical skills and mindfulness tools, more resilient with more in-depth knowledge of Self. We have selected a beautiful retreat space with full connection to nature in the national park mountains of Granada. It is a family run association which has been built with love and care over years. Tree houses and accommodation are all made by hand from natural and recycled materials. Hidden away in the rolling hills of Andalucía, your yoga practice will reach new depths and heights.

Reserva tu plaza: 410 €

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